Redundant multi-signature accounts under your central control
You choose the coin, you choose the bankers,
you choose the M of N

Cold Storage
Funds in a FSCB account are frozen until M selected bankers sign for a withdrawl.
Experience the advantage of a custodian without having to accept unknown counterparty risk.
Generational Wealth
Accounts can persist after the death of one or more custodians, or loss of one or more keys.
Help us test this app!
This is a serverless app, designed to also run on offline computers, however the actions of selecting unspent outputs for withdrawls and broadcasting transactions requires online access.
Source Code:
https://github.com/Vermont-Secure-Computing/fscb-real-webAppImage (for linux):
https://freestatecentralbank.com/downloads/Free State Central Bank-1.0.0.AppImageDMG (for mac):
https://freestatecentralbank.com/downloads/fscb.dmgTry it Here:
https://freestatecentralbank.com/appCheck out the Free State Project